10 August 2024

It's Ben Franklin with a key and a kite

The Universe talks to me about myself

Yoko Ono's 1966 [Apple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_(artwork)) - which may have served as the inspiration for a certain record label
During my recent short stay in London I was struck by two unrelated sentences…

02 June 2024


The Universe talks to me about reaching happiness

I’m sure you have experienced, sometimes, the strange effect of suddenly being made aware, from multiple unrelated sources, of someone, or something, you have never heard about before (I’m sure there is a name for this phenomenon).
I choose to interpret these events as The Universe trying to communicate something to me specifically (rather than accepting that everyone in the world is talking about the same thing).
And when it happens, the least I can do is to take note of it.