Imperfect ideas, opinions and interesting links collected by Feadin aka Paolo: a not-too-stereotypical Italian guy (except for the obligatory pantomime when condemning cappuccino after lunch or pineapple topping on a pizza) abroad (migrant or expat, depending on your political views), online since 1996 (on Geocities), blogger from 2003 to 2005, cineblogger from 2005 to 2010 (with The Director’s Cup) and again from 2017 to 2022 as co-founder of 🇮🇹 (in Italian only).

If you’d like to get in touch, you can email me . I’m not too keen on social networks, except for Mastodon external link and Letterboxd external link to Letterboxd Created with Sketch. .

Website Credits

This blog is implemented through the static site generator Hugo external link , and styled by the Papermod external link theme (with a few personal tweaks here and there). It is currently hosted on Hetzner external link . I write the first draft of most posts in Obsidian external link and ‘polish them’ (so to speak) in BBEdit external link , with a little help from an ever-evolving Python script.


Film posters (of which you’ll find a lot on this blog) are provided by TMDB external link through the TMDB APIs external link .
Please note that this website uses TMDB and the TMDB APIs but is not endorsed, certified, or otherwise approved by TMDB.

External link icons are inspired by external link , and their implementation is based on Jessica Smith’s solution external link . Currently in use are: